How to Post a Blog on WordPress

how to post a blog on wordpress

How to Post a Blog on WordPress

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to post a blog on WordPress sites with all the basics so the post doesn’t only looks good but is also indexable by search engines. Having a WordPress blog is one thing but making an extraordinary blog post and making it indexable is another and is also a top priority of every successful blogger.

To download the latest version of the WordPress, you can visit the WordPress Official Website

Login to your Admin Dashboard

How to post a Blog on WordPress Step 1

This is the obvious first step that you will first need to login to your WordPress site to access the posting section of your website

Navigate to Posts

How to post a Blog on WordPress Step 2

Now to create the first blog post on WordPress, click on the Posts link on your side navigation within your Dashboard to access the posting section of your WordPress blog.

Hit the “Add New”

How to post a Blog on WordPress Step 3

Once you are in the Posts section, just hit the Add New button to get the post started.

Give the Post a Headline

How to post a Blog on WordPress Step 4

Add the heading of your WordPress post into the field where it says “Add Title

Write the Post Content

You can add the body of the content in the same section where it says “Type / to choose a block“, you can also choose the content type by clicking on the + icon, for example, headings, images, media embed, youtube video, or a quote. You can add almost anything you would like to include within your WordPress post.

Add a Featured Image

How to post a Blog on WordPress Step 5 & 6

A featured image is like identification of your article. Every time you share the article on social media this is the image that will show up along with its link. So you might want to choose the image that describes what your blog post is all about.

Add Some Side Content

How to post a Blog on WordPress Step 7

This step isn’t necessary for making a blog post but this is the only way your WordPress blog post will be discoverable by search engines. In this step, you will need to add some keywords into the Tags section of your post, which will later guide the search engine bots about what this article is all about and what the right keywords for this article are. To add tags to your blog post you will need to navigate to the right-side menu.

Select the right Category

Choosing the right category is an important step that not only guides your website visitors to the right content that they are interested in but also assists search engines in showing your blog post to the right audience looking for content. This option is also on the right side menu.

Hit Publish

How to post a Blog on WordPress Step 8

Once you plugged in all the content, headline, featured image, and tags and chose the right category for your blog post, it’s time to make it live so people over the internet can access it. Remember if you don’t publish the finished article it won’t be visible to anyone except you.


Posting a Blog on WordPress is simple but the presentation and the design of your website also matter a lot when it comes to retaining your visitors for a long time. If you are looking for someone to help you set up your blog for the first time or if you need someone to redesign your blog to make it spicier, you can always reach out to me Here.

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